NDR broadcast: »Meeresforscher hoffen auf Gesteinsmehl als Klimaretter«
(Marine researchers hope to use rock powder as method for climate protection)
Contribution of Sonja Geilert in the “Schleswig-Holstein Magazin (in German)
On 25.02.2022 a report on the project activities of Sonja Geilert and her team (RETAKE scientists) was broadcasted in the regional TV news magazine of Schleswig-Holstein. The film team accompanied the researchers on an excursion with the RV “Littorina” for sediment sampling in order to collect seabed for the benthocosm experiments. These will take place in cooperation among others with Mirjam Perner’s research group (RETAKE scientist) in Kiel harbor.
Broadcast: Schleswig-Holstein Magazin, from 7:30 PM, link available probably until the end of January 2023