Maria-Elena Vorrath – a successful olivine science slamer
Geoscientist Maria-Elena Vorrath has been a passionate science slammer for five years. She has already participated in twelve competitions with her slam on olivine weathering, one of the CDR methods studied in the RETAKE consortium. And she is very successful – in June, she won against five other candidates the Science Slam in Lübeck, organised by the Lübeck colleges in cooperation with the St. Petri Church in Lübeck, among others. There was a short broadcast about this event in the Schleswig-Holstein Magazin of NDR television (from 22:22 min, 3 min; available until 15.12.2022). Marie-Elena also participated in the 2nd series of the “Science Slam in Podcast” of the radio channel NDR Info “Synapsen” with her short scientific lecture “This is not a solution“ (16 min podcast). Her successes have not gone unnoticed: in May 2022, she was awarded the AWI’s 2021 Science Communication Prize. More Science Slams are in planning – it remains exciting!