Category: Field Campaign

Research cruise to the Reyk­janes Ridge

The north­east At­lantic is the des­tin­a­tion of ex­ped­i­tion MS­M119 with the re­search ves­sel MARIA S. MERIAN. The sea­floor drilling rig MARUM-Me­Bo70 is also on board. The aim is to drill into the up­per ocean crust of a young, cold flank of the Mid-At­lantic Ridge and to in­stall bore­hole ob­ser­vat­or­ies. In the fu­ture, they will be used to doc­u­ment and quantify the fluid flow in the basaltic crus>> read more

Wave-driven upwelling pump deployed south of the Canary Islands

As part of the Test ArtUp field activities, a wave-driven deepwater pump was tested in the nutrient-poor subtropical Atlantic Ocean, ~140 nautical miles south of the Canary Islands from Nov 16 to 21. One day after the deployment of the pump by the Spanish RV Sarmiento de Gamboa, a 10-member Test Art-Up team conducted measurements from aboard the sailing vessel Pandora V>> read more