CDRmare Structure

The DAM research mission CDRmare »Marine Carbon Sinks in Decarbonisation Pathways« investigates different methods of marine CO2 removal and storage (alkalinisation, blue carbon, artificial upwelling, CCS) in terms of their potential, risks and trade-offs bringing them together in a transdisciplinary assessment framework. Research on artificial upwelling as a potential CDR method will be completed by the end of 2024. With the second funding phase that started in August 2024, the remaining CDR methods as well as the development of the assessment framework take place in five large research consortia within CDRmare.

Since the start of the second funding phase, the research mission has been coordinated by three co-chairs: Prof. Andreas Oschlies (GEOMAR), Dr. Nadine Mengis (GEOMAR) and Prof. Alexander Proelß (University of Hamburg). In funding phase 1 (2021-2024) CDRmare was led by Prof. Andreas Oschlies (GEOMAR) and Prof. Gregor Rehder (IOW).

Overview of the six consortia:

  • ASMASYS: 2nd funding phase: Assessing Marine Carbon Removal: Synthesis, Scenarios and Governance; 1st funding phase: Unified Assessment framework for proposed methods of marine CDR and interim knowledge synthesis
    (Contact: Judith Ziegler //
  • RETAKE: CO2 removal by alkalinity enhancement: potential, benefits and risks
    (Contact: Tim Boxhammer //
  • sea4soCiety: Searching for solutions for carbon-sequestration in coastal ecosystems
    (Contact: Mirco Wölfelschneider //
  • GEOSTOR: Submarine carbon dioxide storage in geological formations of the German North Sea
    (Contact: Kristin Hamann //
  • Test-ArtUp: Ocean artificial upwelling (funded until December 2024)
    (Contact: Michael Sswat //
  • AIMS^3: Alternate scenarios, innovative technologies, and monitoring approaches for sub-seabed storage of carbon dioxide
    (Contact: Achim Kopf //; Petra Renken // pren­

(funded since Aug 2021, funding secured until Aug 2027)

CDRmare structure in funding phase 2 (2024-2027)

CDRmare structure in funding phase 1 (2021-2024)