
If you need infographics in higher resolution, write to: Rita Erven //
If not otherwise stated: Artwork Rita Erven // Licence: CC BY 4.0

CDRmare mission

CDRmare research consortia

CDRmare mission

Ocean-based methods of CO2 removal from the atmosphere

Biological methods

Coastal ecosystems as carbon reservoirs

Biological methods

The degradation of coastal ecosystems

Photos: Martin Zimmer, ZMT // Ella Logemann, Universität Hamburg // AWI Centre for Scientific Diving // Jens Schneider von Deimling, Kiel University

Biological methods

Artificial upwelling

Chemical methods

Marine alkalinity enhancement

Chemical methods

Chemical weathering

Geological methods

CO2 storage in sandstone formations of the German North Sea

Geological methods

CO2 storage in sandstone formations // detail

Geological methods

Sketch of the German North Sea

Locations of the CDRmare study areas

Artwork: Rita Erven / own visualisation based on maps of the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie

Geological methods

Carbon dioxide storage in oceanic crust

Geological methods

Carbon dioxide storage in oceanic crust // detail

Geological methods

Carbon dioxide storage in oceanic crust

Sketch of the experimental setup // research consortia AIMS3

Background information

The carbon cycle

Background information

Organic-biological ocean carbon pump

Artwork: Rita Erven according to a graphic of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

Background information

Carbon dioxide uptake by the ocean – a chemical equilibrium reaction

Additional graphics

CDRmare Mission

CDRmare partner

CDRmare Mission

CDRmare partner

Background information

Terrestrial and ocean-based methods of CO2 removal from the atmosphere

Background information

Terrestrial methods of CO2 removal from the atmosphere

Background information

Comparison of Germany‘s emissions from the year 2021with a net-zero emissions goal for the year 2050

Artwork Nadine Mengis & Rita Erven