Science policy documents

Our Science-Policy Documents provide an overview of the current state of research as well as opportunities and challenges of the various marine methods for CO2 removal and storage from the atmosphere. In addition, key messages and options for action are addressed that are relevant for political decision-makers and other interested actors. The Science-Policy Briefs are not exhaustive.

Policy brief // German

Chancen und Hùˆrden der marinen geologischen CO2-Speicherung

Aktualisierte Version Februar 2024 // Licence: CC BY 4.0

Science policy brief

Achieving Climate Neutrality and Paris Agreement Goals: Opportunities for Ocean-Based Methods of Carbon Dioxide Removal

In collaboration with the OceanNETs project

October 2022 // Licence: CC BY 4.0

Stellungnahme // German

Stellungnahme zum Aktionsprogramm Natùˆrlicher Klimaschutz (ANK) des BMUV von dem CDRmare Executive Board

December 2022