DLF: »Final storage for climate sins: CO2 disposal in the underground«

with Andreas Oschlies & Klaus Wallmann in interviews (in German only)

In Deutschlandfunk’s series “Forschung Aktuell – Wissenschaft im Brennpunkt” (“Research News – Science in Focus“; German News radio), Andreas Oschlies (co-speaker CDRmare and coordinator RETAKE) and Klaus Wallmann (coordinator GEOSTOR) are interviewed about marine CCS technology.

Moderation: Tomma Schröder, 30 April 2023, 16:30 on Deutschlandfunk (28 min)


Source: Picture of the article on deutschlandfunk.de, (picture-alliance / dpa / Carsten Rehder)

A more detailed description of the contents can be found on the following DLF page (from 3.05.2023): https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/co2-speicherung-abscheidung-ccs-kohlendioxid-100.html#wiefunktioniert