NDRinfo Science Podcast: »Climate Engineering – Support for Climate Change«

including interviews with Ulf Riebesell and Michael Sswat (in German only)

As part of the science podcast series “Synapses” on NDRinfo (German news radio), science journalist Yasmin Appelhans visited RETAKE’s mesocosm experiments on Helgoland in April this year. In a dialogue with host Lucie Kluth, Yasmin Appelhans explains what the tubes off the island are all about, why nature-based solutions don’t always have to be the superior ones, and how high the share of climate engineering in climate change could be.

Science podcast of the series “Synapses” on NDRinfo, hosted by Yasmin Appelhans & Luci Kluth, 9.06.2023, (1h)


Source: www.ndr.de/nachrichten/info/Synapsen-Climate-Engineering-Unterstuetzung-fuer-die-Klimawende,podcastsynapsen324.html