CDRmare Executive Board submitted statement on the BMUV’s “Action Program Natural Climate Protection”
The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has conducted an online dialogue as part of its “Action Program Natural Climate Protection” (ANK) from 05.09. to 28.10.2022. In this regard, the CDRmare Executive Board submitted a feedback on 28.10.2022.
The ANK, which was already decided on in the coalition agreement, is a central component of the German government’s climate policy. By 2026, four billion Euros will be available for more than 60 measures in ten areas of natural climate protection. The aim of the program is to help achieve national climate protection targets through the restoration of carbon-rich ecosystems such as peatlands, near-natural forests, riverine floodplains or seagrass meadows, as well as nature-friendly management. Furthermore, adaptation to the consequences of climate change has to be strengthened. ANK takes a politically holistic approach that aims to remove all relevant barriers to rapid ecosystem restoration. This includes new funding programs as well as legislative changes, better coordination of federal and state governments (including adaptation of state laws), and communication, education, research, and monitoring. The final draft of the ANK is expected to be adopted next year.
The joint statement (in German) of the CDRmare consortia coordinators can be read here: