Research cruise to the Reykjanes Ridge
From 08 July to 12 August, an expedition MSM119 is conducted with the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN in the Northeast Atlantic. On board is the seafloor drilling rig MARUM-MeBo70. The aim is to drill into the upper ocean crust of a young, cold flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and install borehole observatories. In the future, they will be used to document and quantify the flow of fluids in the basalt crust.
Under the scientific leadership of Achim Kopf (MARUM, University of Bremen), the work will be realised in the context of the MARUM Cluster of Excellence “Ocean Floor” as well as the DAM research mission “CDRmare” (there the consortium AIMS3, coordinated by Achim Kopf). Already last year, researchers explored sedimentary basins at the southern tip of the Reykjanes Ridge during a scientific expedition (Expedition M183).
The logbook of expedition MSM119 can be found here (in German only) …
Graphic: Planned route and working area of Expedition MSM119 / modified based on Google Maps